What are Compilers?
Compilers are vitally important in the execution of programs. As an instance, the mothers are the first most compilers between their toddlers and the outside world. Likewise, Compilers are that software that scans the high-level code line by line and convert that high-level source code to executable machine-friendly object code, consisting of 0s and 1s.
Working of the C Compiler (IDE):
Let’s take a look at the working of InterviewBit’s Online C Compiler
Given below are some of the steps of our Compiler which users might find helpful: The first step is your need to Sign-In to use the features of this compiler. It is possible to run your code without signing in but you will not have a track to your previous codes here, so it's advisable to sign in to enjoy its cool features. Click on the button present at the top right corner and a window will appear.
- Code Editor: Write code in the code editor (which has syntax highlighting for more code readability). For users who are logged into the InterviewBit Platform, the total number of characters in their code can go up to five thousand characters. For non InterviewBit Users, their C code can have up to five hundred characters.
- RUN: In order to run a C program, a user can write C code in the editor and then click on the ‘RUN’ button after selecting the appropriate compiler version.
- SAVE: The C code written in the editor can be saved by clicking on the ‘SAVE’ button on the top right corner of the webpage. The saved codes can be accessed using the ‘MY SNIPPETS ’ button of the webpage.
- STDIN & STDOUT: In order to feed input to the C Code, users can use the Standard Input (stdin) console of our compiler and the output of the code appears on the Standard Output (stdout) of the compiler.
Given below is a sample code snippet that takes input from STDIN and prints the result on the STDOUT console of the online compiler:-
Program-1 Check whether a number is odd or even.
C Code-
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("Number is Even");
printf("Number is odd");
return 0;
Program-2 Check Armstrong Number.
In the case of an Armstrong number of 3 digits, the sum of cubes of each digit is equal to the number itself. For example, 153 is an Armstrong number because
153 = 111 + 555 + 333
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int num, temp, ans = 0;
scanf("%d", &num);
temp = num;
while (temp>0) {
int rem = temp % 10;
ans += rem * rem * rem;
temp /= 10;
if (ans == num)
printf("%d is an Armstrong number.", num);
printf("%d is not an Armstrong number.", num);
return 0;
The online Compiler, hence, provides significant benefits for programmers during program development and for users when a program is run. The benefits are Improved performance Reduced system load Protection for source code and programs Improved productivity and quality Portability of compiled programs.